655 West Broadway:
LED Video Wall



M1 Interactive installed a 150 panel, 20′ x 17′ LED video wall in the lobby at 655 W. Broadway, a commerce building located in downtown San Diego, CA. The 4K LED wall is on full display 24/7, showing off original content produced and curated by M1. The video wall displays videos, images, and custom visual effects.

I used Unity’s experimental VFX Graph to create eight dynamic particle systems for the video wall. Each of the effects runs hundreds of thousands of individual particles in real time on the GPU. The effects are fully customizable with six different color palettes, three speed options, and three intensity settings, allowing for hundreds of permutations. I designed the graphics so that they changed in interesting and meaningful ways over long periods of time. I coordinated final polish and testing of all effects.

I wrote the software to schedule and present the visual content on the video wall. Users can choose to schedule videos, images, and effects either individually or in custom playlists. The program parses JSON data pulled from a content management system (CMS) to create time events, and it also downloads all video and image content from the server at run-time. New content can be downloaded and time events can be updated while the app is running even if scheduling changes were made in the CMS outside of the designated load time.
