T-Mobile: 5G&Me,
Connected Environments
The T-Mobile 5G&me Experience Center is a 4,000 sq. ft. immersive space located within the company’s Bellevue, Washington headquarters developed by Envoy. The state-of-the-art environment’s interactive touchpoints and applications let visitors discover firsthand the power of 5G wireless technology through the lens of a myriad of industries like Transportation, Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and more. See the full case study from Envoy HERE.
The Connected Environments experience is composed of giant LED screen and a circular table in the middle. This experience runs an interactive user interface on an Ideum table that is controlled with custom physical pucks, or totems. By placing the totems and selecting content via the table, the user can choose the story they experience on the main screen. The table sends messages to the media wall via UDP to control the whole presentation.
In this project I updated the UI animations, refactored the UDP messaging system as well as the existing codebase, and rebuilt the touch control mechanics within the Unity project for the interactive table.